NorthNet Library System(NLS), at the direction of the Administrative Council and Executive Committee, retained the legal services of Best, Best and Krieger in 2017 to research and provide analysis and recommendations to the three NLS legacy systems as to their on-going obligation and payment to CalPERS on system retirees, as well as the obligation of former system members to the CalPERS payments.   

Since the original research began and recommendations were made by BB&K, additional research and analysis work has been contracted, more detail was requested concerning the newly enacted California state legislation (AB1912) that revised the original analysis of the retirement liability obligation for Joint Power Authorities. The BB&K legal reports to date have been compiled and are now posted on the NLS website under “About…” for each legacy system.  

NLS White Paper Regarding CalPERS Obligations of NLS Legacy Systems

CalPERS Attorney Reports for NorthNet

More Information on CalPERS Publications including annual GASB reports can be found here

Find CalPERS documentation for MVLS here.

Find CalPERS documentation for NBCLS here.

Find CalPERS documentation for NSCLS here.