NBCLS Governance
- NBCLS Annual Valuation Report 2015
- NBCLS-CalPERS-2002-Contract-with-list-of-previous-amendments
- NBCLS-CalPERS-1964-Contract
Below are the resolutions that have been filed with NorthNet. It is the ultimate responsibility of each jurisdiction to keep their files as archives.
- Belvedere-Tiburon
- Benicia Public Library
- City of Sonoma
- Cloverdale Public Library
- Cloverdale Unified School District
- Healdsburg Public Library
- Lake County
- Lakeport Public Library
- Larkspur Public Library
- Marin County
- Marin Institute Resource Center
- Mendocino County
- Mill Valley Public Library
- Pacific Union College
- Petaluma Unified School District
- Petaluma Public Library
- Rancho Cotati High School
- Richmond Public Library
- San Francisco Public Library
- San Rafael Public Library
- Santa Rosa Jr College
- Sausalito Public Library
- Sebastopol City Library
- Solano College Library
- Solano County Library
- Sonoma County Office of Education
- Sonoma State University
- Travis Air Force Base
- UC Davis
NBCLS History
In 1960, the North Bay Cooperative Library System was formed for the joint exercise of the participating libraries’ common power to provide library service. The libraries included the following public agencies: Marin County, Napa County, Sonoma County, Solano County, Benecia Public Library, Vallejo Public Library, The Goodman Library of Napa, St. Helena Public Library, Sonoma City, Santa Rosa Public Library, Ukiah Municipal Library, Petaluma City, Cloverdale Public Library, Sebastopol City, and the Union High School District of Vacaville.
On May 13, 1964 the North Bay Cooperative Library System was deemed by its members to have ‘operated successfully… and that the system should now be established as a separate and permanent agency, as outlined in the “Supplement to Agreement of 1960 entitled “In RE North Bay Cooperative Library System” containing a Further Agreement for Joint Exercise of the Powers of the Contracting Parties and the Establishment of the North Bay Cooperative Library System as a Separate Agency for the Exercise of Such Powers. A Board of Directors (“Council”) was formed and allowed NBCLS to a)make and enter contracts, b) employ agents and employees, c) acquire, construct, manage, maintain or operate any buildings works or improvements; d) acquire, hold or dispose of property, e) incur debts, liabilities or obligation which to not constitute the debt, liability or obligations of any of the parties, and f) sue and be sued. Members included: Lakeport Public Library, Napa City-County Library, County of Marin, Mendocino County Library Demonstration, Mill Valley Public Library, City of Petaluma Public Library, St. Helena Public Library, Santa Rosa Public Library, Sausalito Public Library, City of Sebastopol Public Library, County of Solano, City of Sonoma, County of Sonoma, Ukiah Public Library, Vacaville Union High School Library District of Solano, Vallejo Public Library.
On May 7, 1983 NBCLS approved the Revised By-Laws of the Board of Directors.