Date | Resolution | Description |
2024 | ||
2/26/2024 | 2024-01 | Resolution authorizing approval of UC Chico Merriam Library’s withdrawal from the North State Cooperative Library System effective July 1, 2024. |
2023 | ||
6/9/2023 | 542 | Resolution NBCLS to annually determine retiree health related expenses for the upcoming calendar year 2024. |
2022 | ||
5/26/2022 | 541 | Resolution NBCLS to annually determine retiree health related expenses for the upcoming calendar year 2023. |
2021 | ||
5/25/2021 | 540 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 5/25/2021. |
2020 | ||
6/9/2020 | 539 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 6/9/2020. |
3/19/2020 | 538 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 3/19/2020. |
2019 | ||
None | None | None |
2018 | ||
5/31/2018 | 537 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 5/31/2018. |
2017 | ||
5/30/2017 | 536 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 5/30/2017. |
2016 | ||
8/22/2016 | 535 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 8/22/2016. |
2015 | ||
10/14/2015 | 534 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 10/14/2015. |
2014 | ||
10/2/2014 | 533 | Resolution of intention to annually determine if NBCLS will provide retiree health insurance for upcoming calendar year when adopting annual fiscal year budget. Dated 10/2/2014. |
2013 | ||
None | None | None |
2012 | ||
4/26/12 | 534 | Resolution first amendment to Joint Powers Agreement of the Northnet Library System: Peninsula Library System Executive Director shall act as Treasurer/Controller and fiscal agent for NLS. |
4/17/12 | 533 | Resolution of intention of policy of NBCLS that expenditures from NBCLS funds must be authorized in advance by vote of the NBCLS Board of Directors. |
2011 | ||
6/9/2011 | 532 | Resolution of Intention to Terminate the Contract Between The Board of Administration California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the Board of Directors North Bay Cooperative Library System. |
6/9/2011 | 2011-01 | Resolution of Intention to Terminate the Contract Between The Board of Administration California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the Administrative Council of the Mountain Valley Library System. |
2010 | ||
6/3/2010 | 531 | Resolution to terminate participation in medical insurance coverage as offered by the County of Sonoma through the Sonoma County Library effective 9/1/10. Dated 6/3/10 |
6/3/2010 | 530 | Adoption of EGTRRA 457 Plan Amendment. Dated 6/3/10 |
6/3/2010 | Resolution commending Sara Loyster upon her retirement. Dated 6/3/10. | |
6/3/2010 | Resolution commending Bonnie Thoreen upon her retirement. Dated 6/3/10. | |
2009 | ||
10/1/2009 | Resolution commending Ann Cousineau upon her retirement. Dated 10/1/09. | |
5/8/2009 | 529 | Authorizing a budgetary transfer from North Bay Cooperattive Library System to NorthNet Library System in the amount of $100,000. Dated 5/8/09. |
2008 | ||
None | None | None |
2007 | ||
9/6/2007 | 528 | Resolution commending Carol Starr upon her retirement. Dated 9/6/07. |
9/6/2007 | 527 | Adoption of Budget Fiscal Year 2007/2008. Dated 9/6/07 |
5/3/2007 | 526 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2006/07. Dated 5/3/07 |
5/3/2007 | 525 | Adoption of Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2007/08. Dated 5/3/07. |
2006 | ||
9/7/2006 | 524 | Adoption of Budget Fiscal Year 2006/2007. Dated 9/7/06 |
5/11/2006 | 523 | Adoption of Budget Fiscal Year 2006/2007. Dated 5/11/06 |
2005 | ||
11/3/2005 | 522 | Adoption of EGTRRA 457 Plan Amendment. Dated 11/3/05 |
6/2/2005 | 521–521b | Adoption of Budget Fiscal Year 2005/2006. Dated 6/2/05 |
6/2/2005 | 520 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2004/2005. Dated 6/2/05 |
3/3/2005 | 519 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2004/2005. Dated 3/3/05 |
3/3/2005 | 518 | Adoption of Establishing Depreciation Method Under GASB 34. Dated 3/3/05 |
3/3/2005 | 517 | Adoption of Establishing a Dollar Amount at which Items will be considered as Fixed Assets. Dated 3/3/05 |
2004 | ||
9/2/2004 | 516 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2004/2005. Dated 9/2/07. |
6/3/2004 | 515 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2003/2004. Dated 6/3/04. |
6/3/2004 | 514 | Adoption of Budget Fiscal Year 2004/2005. Dated 6/3/04 |
3/4/2004 | 513 | Authorizing a budgetary transfer from the Building Reserve Trust to the General Fund in the amount of $7,150 to purchase the membership in Califa for all regular NBCLS members. Dated 3/4/04 |
3/4/2004 | 512 | Adoption of Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2004/2005. Dated 3/4/04 |
3/4/2004 | 511 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2003/2004. Dated 3/4/04 |
3/4/2004 | 510 | Amendment to NBCLS Deferred Compensation Plan. Dated 3/4/04 |
2003 | ||
11/6/2003 | 509 | Authorization of a reduction of fund commitments for FY 2003/2004. Dated 11/6/03 |
11/6/2003 | 508 | Resolution commending Connie Pearson upon her retirement. Dated 11/6/03 |
11/6/2003 | 507 | Amendment to NBCLS Deferred Compensation Plan. Dated 11/6/03 |
9/5/2003 | 506 | Adoption of Final Budget Fiscal Year 2003/04. Dated 9/5/03. |
5/5/2003 | 505 | Adoption of Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2003/2004. Dated 5/5/03 |
5/5/2003 | 504 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2002/2003. Dated 5/5/03 |
3/6/2003 | 503 | Adoption of Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2002/2003. Dated 3/6/03 |
2002 | ||
11/6/2002 | 502 | Amendment to PERS Contract. Dated 11/6/02 |
9/5/2002 | 501 | Intention to Approve Amendment to PERS Contract. Dated 9/5/02 |
9/5/2002 | 500 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 2002/2003. Dated 9/05/02 |
6/6/2002 | 499 | Adoption of Preliminary Budget FY 2002/2003. Dated 6/6/02 |
6/6/2002 | 498 | Adoption of Final Budget Fiscal Year 2001/2002. Dated 6/6/02 |
2001 | ||
9/7/2001 | 497 | Resolution commending Susan Hagius upon her retirement. Dated 9/7/01 |
9/7/2001 | 496 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 2001/02. Dated 9/7/01 |
6/7/2001 | 495 | Resolution of Appreciation for Jeanne De Mars. Dated 6/7/01 |
6/7/2001 | 494 | Adoption of Final Budget Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Dated 6/7/01 |
493 | NONE | |
1/18/2001 | 492 | Adoption of Equipment Reserve Fund FY 2000/2001. Dated 1/18/01 |
4/5/2001 | 491 | Adoption of Preliminary Budget FY 2001/2002. Dated 4/5/01 |
4/5/2001 | 490 | Resolution commending Roger Pearson upon his retirement. Dated 4/5/01 |
4/5/2001 | 489 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 2000/2001. Dated 4/05/01 |
1/18/2001 | 488 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 2000/2001. Dated 1/18/01 |
2000 | ||
11/2/2000 | 487 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 2000/2001. Dated 11/2/00 |
11/2/2000 | 486 | Resolution commending Clayla Davis upon her retirement. Dated 11/02/00 |
11/2/2000 | 485 | Resolution approving and authorizing execution of agreement-request by Petaluma High School to join the North Bay Cooperative Library System. Dated 11/02/00 |
8/15/2000 | 484 | Resolution authorizing NBCLS membership in the Golden Gateway Library Network. Dated 08/15/00 |
5/4/2000 | 483 | Resolution authorizing purchase of new laptop for Administrator not to exceed $4,687. Dated 05/04/2000 |
5/4/2000 | 482 | Resolution authorizing installation of an Ethernet switch with funds from the Equipment Reserve in the amount of $5,807. Dated 05/04/2000 |
5/4/2000 | 481 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 2000/2001. Dated 05/04/2000 |
5/4/2000 | 480 | Adoption of Revised Budget FY 1999/2000. Dated 05/04/2000 |
5/4/2000 | 479 | Authorizing a budgetary transfer from Employee Benefit Trust to the General Fund in the amount of $6,097.71. Dated 05/04/2000 |